Policy: 351
Hazardous Weather Conditions – Work Attendance
In accordance with "Hazardous Weather Policy for SC State Agencies and Employees", the following regulations are adopted to govern work attendance in the time of hazardous weather or other emergency conditions.
- Make up the time lost from work at a time scheduled by the facility within the same work week.
- Use accrued annual leave.
- Take leave without pay.
All staff are considered as emergency personnel. Staff will follow the guidelines in the Disaster Contingency Services Plan for the county in which they work.
Residential operations will continue regardless of weather conditions. However, Day Program Services may be closed for a period of time to "community" consumers. Employees should call their supervisor as soon as possible to receive information on what time and where to report.
When possible, local TV stations will be notified to report agency closings. Notification of agency closings will also be given utilizing the "One Call Now" system. This web based phone system will contact phone numbers of all families of community consumers to make them aware of a program closure.
Continuity of Essential Services:
This is the plan to be implemented to assure the continuation of essential residential support services for such reasons as power outage, water shortage, or in the event of the absence from work of any portion of the workforce resulting from inclement weather or other causes.
During inclement weather when day program is closed, the agency will assign day program staff to work in the homes to provide coverage. In the event that day program is closed and staff is not able to get to their assigned areas, the residential staff that are already on duty will remain on duty until arrangements can be made for relief staff to come on duty.
Agency personnel are considered essential staff during inclement weather. Local law enforcement in the counties are utilized to assist with transporting staff to and from work. Department heads or assigned staff will contact local law enforcement with telephone numbers and addresses of staff members who live close by in order to get relief personnel on duty.
Staff who fail to report to work as assigned will receive disciplinary action up to dismissal.