Policy: 353

Visitors in the Workplace


To provide for the safety and security of consumers, employees and the facilities at MDCBDSN, only authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace. Restricting unauthorized visitors helps maintain safety standards, protects against theft, ensures security of equipment, protects confidential information, safeguards employee welfare, and avoids potential distractions and disturbances.

All visitors must enter MDCBDSN Centers at the reception area. They will state their business and sign-in to receive a Visitor's Pass. Signs will be placed at all other entrances indicating for "Authorized Personnel Only". Authorized visitors will receive directions or be escorted to their destination.

Staff are not permitted to have visitors inside the residential units. Any visitors on the premises at residential units shall be documented in the log book upon arrival and departure.

All visitors are expected to respect the rights and work processes of staff and consumers. Visitors who disrupt the workflow or business of the agency will be asked to leave the premises.

If an unauthorized individual is observed on MDCBDSN's premises, employees should immediately notify their supervisor or, if necessary, direct the individual to the reception area. Visitors who fail to comply with these requirements will be asked to leave the premises and/or be escorted off if necessary.


To establish guidelines for visitors in the workplace.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

May 24, 2001
February 28, 2008
November 20, 2014