Policy: 137

Transportation - Vehicle Breakdowns and Accidents


Vehicle Breakdown

If there is a breakdown or cause to believe that a vehicle is not safe to operate, the driver/staff member should call the Maintenance Coordinator and their supervisor to seek assistance.

Vehicle Accidents

If an accident occurs, the driver/staff member should stop, check for any injuries, call 911/EMS if necessary, and the Maintenance Coordinator. The appropriate law enforcement agency should always be contacted in the event of any accident involving a Board owned vehicle.

In the event of an accident while consumers are being transported, the agency supervisor and Service Coordination Department shall ensure that families and guardians are notified.

Should the vehicle accident incur damages of $1,500 or more, a critical incident will be completed and transmitted to SCDDSN. The Maintenance Coordinator will be responsible for reporting vehicle accidents to our agency insurance company.


To ensure the safety of consumers and staff in the event of an accident or vehicle breakdown.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

October 25, 2001
November 18, 2010