Policy: 158

Family Notification


  1. It is the responsibility of each program administrator (or their designee) to notify the consumer's Service Coordinator when any situation of significant positive or adverse impact affects a consumer in their program.
  2. Remember that any needed medical treatment should be obtained immediately.
  3. It is the responsibility of the Service Coordinator and/or Program Administrator (or designee) to contact the family and advise them of the situation.
  4. Situations of adverse impact include, but are not limited to, critical incidents, alleged abuse, injuries other than those that are minor in nature, challenging behaviors, significant changes in medical conditions, unusual occurrences, etc.
  5. Situations of positive impact include, but are not limited to, special activities, requests, information regarding programs, a consumer's desires, requests and choices, etc.


To provide a method of notifying family members of any situation of significant impact to consumers receiving services.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

February 24, 2011