Policy: 185
Resident's Home and Bedroom Door Key Replacement and Lost Key Policy
The first key will be provided by the agency. If a consumer reports to staff that he/she has lost a key to the house. The house lock will need to be re-keyed by maintenance coordinator at a cost of $7.00, which will be the consumer's responsibility to pay. If a consumer reports or if staff discovers that the consumer has lost a key to his/her bedroom. A replacement key will cost from .99 up to $1.50, which will be the consumer's responsibility to pay.
For any lost key, staff will complete an incident report and a maintenance request form for replacement key. The form will indicate if the key was to the house or bedroom to determine the cost to replace the key.
Emergency purposes:
Keys to consumer bedroom and house key will be kept in the home accessible to staff at all times for emergency circumstances. Staff will knock once on the door and wait for a response. If no response for the consumer, then staff will be allowed to open the door with the key to check out the situation and determine course of action.