Policy: 200

Completing Maintenance Requests


  1. Maintenance request forms are to be completed for all maintenance needs by responsible staff, then signed off by appropriate supervisor, (ex: DSB, ESA,).
  2. The white and beige copies of the maintenance request forms are forwarded to the Maintenance Coordinator, while the yellow copy is filed at the facility by the appropriate supervisor.
  3. Maintenance staff determines necessary items to repair or replace the defective item and completes a purchase request if necessary which would be submitted to finance and once approved a purchase order is issued.
  4. Maintenance staff completes the repair, dates when the repair has been completed and indicates on the maintenance request what has been done. The white copy of the request is left at the facility where the repair took place.
  5. DSB or ESA staff are to attach the white copy of the request to the yellow copy and fill in the facility.
  6. Maintenance files the beige copy of the maintenance request form in the maintenance file.
  7. Original bills are forwarded to finance.
  8. If the needed maintenance or repair cannot be performed by the Maintenance Coordinator, then they will arrange the repair or service with a reputable vendor. The purchasing policy regarding bids will be followed per SCDDSN Directive 250-08-DD.


To establish an orderly process for submitting and completing maintenance requests.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

July 25, 2002
June 23, 2011