Policy: 202

Contracts and Agreements


All MDCBDSN contracts are to be signed by the Executive Director and approved by the Board. A copy of the contracts will be filed with the Executive Assistant.

All work contracts and/or agreements are to be signed by the Executive Director. Copies of work contracts will be flied in the Day Program by the Day Services Administrator. Lease and maintenance agreements will be updated as needed and filed by the Director of Operations with a copy to the Executive Assistant.

Original signed contracts for professional services will be maintained by the department using the services. (I.E., The Dillon Community Residence will maintain and keep copies of agreements for contracted LPN's, medical and dental services, physicians etc). A copy of the signed contract or agreement will be forwarded to the Director of Operations with a copy to the Executive Assistant.

All major contracts and agreements to provide services will be reviewed annually for appropriateness by the board.


To establish a systematic method of review of all contracts and agreements.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

July 25, 2002
June 23, 2011