Policy: 329

Job Descriptions


The Executive Director and/or Human Resources Administrator shall write or cause to have written, a job description for every position for which a staff member shall be hired. Each job description shall include, but not limited to the following:

  • Specific supervisory relationships.
    • To whom the appointee shall report.
    • The method of reporting/accountability.
  • Specific duties and responsibilities of the position.
  • Qualifications for the positions.
    • Specific skills.
    • Experience.
    • Alternatives.
  • Educational requirements for the position.
  • Salary range for the position.

The job description shall be a part of the permanent personnel file of the staff member who fills the position.

The job description shall be signed and dated by the employee.


To provide/define job duties and responsibilities for each position in the agency.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

May 24, 2001