Policy: 152

Waiting List Policy


The Marion-Dillon County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs adopts SCDDSN Policy 502-05-DD and will abide by stipulations. As such, the MDDSN will provide at a minimum three (3) types of waiting lists: Critical Needs, Residential Services and Enhanced In-home Services (Waiver). Definitions and priorities are defined in 502-05-DD. Critical needs will always be a top priority for obtaining services.

The MDDSN working through SCDDSN will also develop a waiting list for Day or Supported Employment Services. Consumers on this list may also be on the Waiver waiting list. People with Medicaid Eligibility will have priority over those without Eligibility. SCDDSN may also assign a number to those awaiting placement. This number will indicate priority of those to be given a Day Services or Supported Employment Slot. Length of time on the waiting list will be a consideration when placing someone for services.

People may be approved for private pay for services at the current rate of costs for that service as determined by finance. Final approval for private pay must be made by the SCDDSN District Director.

People on the Day or Supported Employment waiting lists may be eligible for Family Support and Respite Services as funds permit. The Service Coordinator will make at least an annual contact to those on the waiting lists for Day or Supported Employment Services to give them appropriate information such as changes in priority, funding or eligibility. Other important information will be sent to people on the waiting list as needed. Parents or Guardians of people on the waiting lists will be eligible to become members of the Marion-Dillon Parent-Guardian Association.

People may be removed from the waiting lists by contacting their Service Coordinator who will in turn follow procedures for removal as outlined in 502-05-DD.

Services will be provided based upon availability of funds.

Appeals for adverse decisions regarding the placement of consumers on a DDSN waiting list may be appealed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the DDSN Grievance/Appeal policy (535-11-DD).


The Marion-Dillon County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs (MDDSN) will maintain a waiting list for people who are eligible for services with the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. Those on the waiting lists will be provided services in the most timely and equitable manner possible. People with critical needs will be given priority to services and supports.

Effective Date:
June 1, 1998

February 25, 2010
November 18, 2010